Before you purchase or sell a vineyard or winery, you are going to want to have a good idea of its value to make sure you are getting a fair deal on the property. At County Appraisals Inc, we specialize in winery appraisals in Napa, Salvador, Imola, Napa County, and Union, CA, which is known as America’s wine country. There are a variety of factors that go into determining value as winery appraisers, including:

- The size of the facility: As with any type of private building or residence, the square footage of a winery is going to play a major role in the type of value we determine in our appraisal. This is, of course, merely a starting point in the appraisal, as there are plenty of factors to consider, but generally the bigger the facility, the more likely it is to have a higher value.
- Equipment: The equipment on-site at a winery plays a major role in the property’s value. A person purchasing a winery wants to have as much equipment already on hand as possible to avoid having to spend a great deal more money to get that equipment. Examples include all winery or distillery equipment, vehicles, brewery equipment, existing inventory, etc.
- Location: Is the winery situated in a convenient location? Is it easy for vehicles to get in and out, and is it located near major distribution centers? These are important factors to consider in any winery appraisals.
These are just a few of the many factors we will consider when conducting an appraisal for your winery. The report we give to you upon conclusion of the appraisal will go into great detail regarding how we reached the total overall value estimation of the acreage.
For more information or to speak to our winery appraisers in Napa, CA, contact us today at 707-257-1040. We look forward to working with you and your estate.